Flash cured Cervena venison carpaccio, chicken parfait and morels



For the venison cure mix, place the rosemary, caster sugar, lemon zest, salt and olive oil into a liquidizer and blitz to combine. Cover and set aside until required.

Put each sliced portion of venison between glad wrap and bat out with a meat hammer (a rolling pin also works here). Beat until the meat is as evenly thin as you can get it.

Brush the surface of the meat liberally with the rosemary cure mix prepared earlier and place in the fridge until ready to serve.

Preheat the oven to 120°C.

For the sherry reduction, place all the ingredients into a saucepan and reduce to about 10 per cent of the volume. Strain and set aside. Bring the livers, butter, and cream to room temperature. Liquidize all the ingredients together and add the sherry reduction. Strain and cook over a bain-marie for about 12 minutes in the oven, or until just set to the touch. Cool to room temperature and liquidize again until smooth. Pass and seal in a piping bag.

Wash the morels thoroughly in water and soak them overnight in the sherry. Place them in a small pot with the glucose and cook down gently until thickened.Once cool, finely chop the morels

For the Oloroso sherry gel glitz the agar-agar into the water and dry oloroso sherry. Place onto a moderate heat and whisk until it comes to the boil and thickens. Cook for a further minute. Pour onto a shallow tray and chill in the fridge. Cut the gel sheet and liquidize, streaming in a little more sherry till smooth. Pass and refrigerate until needed.

Dice the ciabatta into small cubes and put into a pan with cold-diced butter. Cook in the oven, tossing together frequently until a buerre noisette forms. By this stage the croutons will have been sufficiently toasted. Drain through a sieve and reserve on paper towels.

Serving and presentation

Smear some sherry gel onto serving plates and drape the Carpaccio over it allowing folds to form. Pipe on the chicken liver parfait, add the sliced shiitake and a scattering of morel jam. Finish with some croutons, porcini salt and extra virgin olive oil.



For the venison cure mix, place the rosemary, caster sugar, lemon zest, salt and olive oil into a liquidizer and blitz to combine. Cover and set aside until required.

Put each sliced portion of venison between glad wrap and bat out with a meat hammer (a rolling pin also works here). Beat until the meat is as evenly thin as you can get it.

Brush the surface of the meat liberally with the rosemary cure mix prepared earlier and place in the fridge until ready to serve.

Preheat the oven to 120°C.

For the sherry reduction, place all the ingredients into a saucepan and reduce to about 10 per cent of the volume. Strain and set aside. Bring the livers, butter, and cream to room temperature. Liquidize all the ingredients together and add the sherry reduction. Strain and cook over a bain-marie for about 12 minutes in the oven, or until just set to the touch. Cool to room temperature and liquidize again until smooth. Pass and seal in a piping bag.

Wash the morels thoroughly in water and soak them overnight in the sherry. Place them in a small pot with the glucose and cook down gently until thickened.Once cool, finely chop the morels

For the Oloroso sherry gel glitz the agar-agar into the water and dry oloroso sherry. Place onto a moderate heat and whisk until it comes to the boil and thickens. Cook for a further minute. Pour onto a shallow tray and chill in the fridge. Cut the gel sheet and liquidize, streaming in a little more sherry till smooth. Pass and refrigerate until needed.

Dice the ciabatta into small cubes and put into a pan with cold-diced butter. Cook in the oven, tossing together frequently until a buerre noisette forms. By this stage the croutons will have been sufficiently toasted. Drain through a sieve and reserve on paper towels.

Serving and presentation

Smear some sherry gel onto serving plates and drape the Carpaccio over it allowing folds to form. Pipe on the chicken liver parfait, add the sliced shiitake and a scattering of morel jam. Finish with some croutons, porcini salt and extra virgin olive oil.

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